
Documentation of the Wenzhou language (温州话)

A list of pinyin pronunciations from the Wenzhou language with characters corresponding to each pronunciation. This could be used to create, for example, Wenzhounese dictionaries or the like.



A full list including editor comments, missing character indications and Unicode ideographic descriptor sequences. For some characters it has frequency and wendu/baidu (文读/白读) indications.


A full list without editor comments. Includes missing character indications and Unicode ideographic descriptor sequences, and for some characters it has frequency and wendu/baidu (文读/白读) indications.


An untidy version encoded in GB2312.

The Pinyin used here follows the convention of Shen & Shen as described in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wenzhounese_romanisation. In short, single consonants are unvoiced and doubled consonants are voiced. As an example:

sii42 similar to Mandarin “sì(四)”

ssii similar to “s” in English word “housing”